Best Pediatrics Doctor

Throughout your life, medical care makes a difference. You know that as you get older, following a specific screening schedule can be quite literally life-saving. But regular doctor’s visits are important in your younger years, too. And they’re especially critical for children and teenagers. Fortunately, getting proper pediatric attention doesn’t have to be a big hassle. Here at our JOMS CARE HOSPITAL PVT. LTD, we offer pediatric care so you can get the regular checkups and child-focused treatments your son or daughter needs. As your kids grow, they should reach certain health stages and developmental milestones around specific times. To that end, most medical professionals recommend strategic checkups from infancy to age 21. When they’re just born, infants should be visiting a doctor monthly. From 9-to 18 months, they should get pediatric care every three months. Between 18 months and 3 years, doctors recommend a visit every six months. At age 3, the schedule switches to annually. These periodic visits ensure that everything is on track with your child’s development. It also allows medical professionals to catch any potential issues — from asthma to scoliosis — early. In some cases, early treatment can make a big difference in your child’s outcome as they age.

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